
Artist's Profile:    

Serhii Burbelo was born on October 1, 1985 in Dnipro. Graduated with honors from the Dnipro State Theatre and Art College. (teachers: H. Cherneta, L. Antoniuk; also Serhii graduated with honors from the Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Architecture Department). Participated in more than 35 art exhibitions since 2005. He has held 6 solo exhibitions in Dnipro Art Museum (2013, 2017). Solo exhibition "Crimea" was held at the Museum of Ukrainian painting in Dnipro city (2016, 2019), in Kyiv Museum Kavaleridze (2017), Kirovohrad Regional Art Museum (2018). Works are stored in the Museum of Ukrainian painting, private collections in Ukraine, Turkey, Germany, USA. Graduate work "Symphony" is constantly exhibited in the Dnipro Philharmonic.                In 2014 Serhii Burbelo became a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. He is the director of the Museum of Ukrainian painting since 2014. The main theme of the work belongs to the cultural project Qirim (Crimean Tatar means Crimea) which I started in early 2013, anticipating the occupation of Ukrainian Crimea by Russian troops in 2014. To date, work on the project continues, and the total number of works is more than 40 units. Currently, some of the works are exhibited at the Consulate General of Ukraine in Hamburg, Germany. The exhibition opened on 24.02.22 on the day of the beginning of Russia's war against Ukraine ...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Country of Residence: Ukraine

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To have a full knowledge of this collection of artworks, please read the text at the bottom of the display. For sure you will appreciate it and so we are recommending it to you. Very interesting, indeed.

'Qirim' is a series of paintings started in 2013. At the same time, it's the exhibition name. But it would be wrong to identify these concepts. After all, the exhibition is a project limited in time and content. For Serhii Burbelo, ‘Qirim' is a kind of field research, a theme 'in development'. While travelling across Crimea, the artist visits well known places but even there he finds the locations that remain out of reach for lazy tourists. He spends some time there, sleeps in the open air, 'feels' the ground. The comprehension and creative 'study' of the eternal theme have started since the direct contact with the research subject. Considering the series name, the titles of works expressed by toponyms, and the subject itself, we can see that the artist is interested in the locality itself. And not in terms of nature, but in terms of history and culture. Depicting the ruins of ancient buildings and entire cities, Serhii deliberately ignores details of the surrounding, thus, emphasizing the importance of architectural monuments. Speaking of 'locality', we mean 'land', speaking of architecture, we refer to the history of one or another nation of architects. So, there is the question of objective dialectics, the dialectics of a person and 'land', at the center of the artist's and recipient's attention. It is commonly believed that since ancient times people have developed and farmed land turning it into the territory of new sovereign entities – states. But there is also inverse relationship. What if we take another look at it? What if we try to refer directly to the concept of 'land', which has been used by the cultural linguistics specialists for a long time? 'Land' may accept or reject people, it feeds and keeps them...